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Orthotics Specialist

Artisan Podiatry

Shazia Amar, DPM

Podiatrist & Foot and Ankle Surgeon located in Brooklyn, NY

Orthotics, which are customized devices to correct foot issues, bring many people from the Brooklyn area into Artisan Podiatry to see Dr. Shazia Amar. Making use of the proper orthotics can make a world of difference in relieving foot pain and restoring normal, healthy foot function.

Orthotics Q & A

How do orthotic foot devices work?

Customized foot orthotics are designed to provide the foot with support and cushioning during a patient’s normal daily activities. Because the devices are shaped and fitted to each individual’s foot, Dr. Shazia Amar and her team can create a fully customized solution. For example, orthotic devices can provide arch support at just the right level and can also include a thinner layer of heel cushioning to address a separate issue. Some devices are made of soft, cushioning materials, while others are built of rigid materials to provide the highest level of structure and support.

What about over-the-counter foot devices?

A wide range of products are marketed to those with foot pain. Inserts and supportive pads are sold at grocery stores, department stores and through infomercials and online. These devices are not considered to be orthotics because they are not customized for each wearer. They are a universal option and are manufactured in bulk, often from cheap materials. For those who are simply looking for a bit of cushioning in their footwear, an over-the-counter shoe insert can offer a good solution. However, if a person is experiencing significant or ongoing foot pain, a trip to the podiatrist can bring about lasting relief through the use of custom orthotics.

What happens during an office visit?

When a new patient comes to Artisan Podiatry, Dr. Amar, and her staff will work to discover the source of foot pain and find a treatment plan to relieve that condition. Patients are encouraged to bring in the shoes that they wear most often. During the initial visit, a physical examination of the feet will be conducted, and Dr. Amar will ask a number of questions about when and where the discomfort is experienced. If it is determined that orthotics are a good treatment option, then precise measurements will be taken to design and manufacture custom orthotic devices that will address that patient’s specific set of needs. Once the devices have been created, the patient will return to the office to have them fitted.

Insurances Accepted:

We accept most insurances! Please call us for more information!

Anthem Blue Cross PPO
Blue Cross PPO
Blue Shield PPO
Cigna PPO
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